Gumball Plot: What’s it about?ĭeveloped as a mix of a family series and a school show, ‘Gumball’ is based on the characters created by Ben Bocquelet, which were previously rejected by other production houses. Simon as Darwin, Kyla Rae Kowalewsk as Anais, Teresa Gallagher as Nicole, and Dan Russell as Richard. Gumball lives in the fictional town of Elmore in California.
‘Gumball’ stars Nicolas Cantu as the voiceover artist for the titular character, Gumball Watterson, an antic-prone cat who studies in Elmore Junior High in the seventh standard with his adopted sibling Darwin. Now the question is, will there be a ‘Gumball’ season 7? We will delve into that question, but first let’s quickly look into the details of the series. The show has had six successful seasons so far.